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2025Pierre Dac 1893-1975 - Set

GBP £1.19
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  • 10.02.2025
About Pierre Dac 1893-1975

On February 10, 2025, La Poste issues a stamp bearing the image of Pierre DAC on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his death. A French comedian and actor, he was also, during the Second World War, a figure of the Resistance against the occupation of France by Nazi Germany thanks to his interventions on Radio Londres.

"Is it better to go down in history or to inherit the post office?" Before leaving us on February 9, 1975, Pierre Dac asked himself the question of a lack of manners. La Poste provides him with the answer through a tribute stamp to the "king of the loonies" and the resistance fighter who became, in London, one of the "Frenchmen who spoke to the French". Born on August 15, 1893 in Châlons-en-Champagne, André Isaac began by pursuing studies that he was unable to catch up with. Mobilized in 1914, he spent four years on the front where he was wounded twice. In October 1922, he made his debut as a singer and invented a form of absurdity that inspired Pierre Desproges, Coluche, Le Gorafi and many others. In 1935, he became a pioneer of comedy shows with La Société des Loufoques and La Course au Trésor.

On May 13, 1938, he created L’Os à moelle, a weekly magazine that sold 400,000 copies. He published the first “small ads” there. In 1940, determined to join Free France, he spent eighteen months in Spanish prisons before joining Radio Londres, where he wrote numerous songs and editorials against the occupier. “Bagatelle sur un tombeau,” in which he responded to Philippe Henriot, was studied in schools. In 1947, he invented “Schmilblick,” then met Francis Blanche. They sign and perform Le Sâr Rabindranath Duval and Signé Furax, the most listened to soap opera in the history of radio. From 1966, Bons baisers de partout, with Louis Rognoni, is also a success. Finally, in 1972, he publishes his Pensées. They have crossed generations, thus demonstrating that "nothing that is finished is ever completely finished until everything that is started is completely finished".