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2025Prominent Personalities - Miki Muster - Set

GBP £1.03
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GBP £1.03
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GBP £2.14
Technical details
  • 31.01.2025
  • Borut Bončina
  • Agencija za komercijalnu djelatnost d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia
  • Offset
  • 4 Colours
  • 29,82 x 42,60 mm
About Prominent Personalities - Miki Muster

Articles about my grandfather almost always begin with superlatives such as “the father of the Slovene comic strip”, “a giant of the seventh art”, “the Slovene Walt Disney”. Naturally, I agree with them, since I had the privilege of experiencing his creative journey at first hand. It is a similar privilege, now that he is no longer with us, to see what a powerful impression he has left among people in Slovenia. Regardless of what generation they belong to, almost everyone knows him and continues to read him. Young readers experience his works for the first time with wonder and enthusiasm. Older readers turn to them to reawaken memories of their youth and to introduce them to their own children and grandchildren.

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