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2024Celebration of the 30th anniversary in honour of the memory and legacy of Ayrton Senna - Set CTO

GBP £2.69
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GBP £10.77
Sheetlets CTO
GBP £10.77
First Day Cover
GBP £2.69
Technical details
  • 15.06.2024
  • Cartor Security Printing
  • Offset
  • 4 Colours
  • 33 x 45 mm
  • €3.15
About Celebration of the 30th anniversary in honour of the memory and legacy of Ayrton Senna

Ayrton Senna was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1960, debuted in the Formula 1 championship in 1984 and quickly became one of the most beloved and famous drivers of all time, winning three world championships in 1988, 1990 and 1991. San Marino commemorates the greatness of the driver and the person, his determination and tenacity in confronting racing and life. His exploits at the wheel are still able to delight today, the stories about him have entered motorsport history and continue to inspire thousands of young people around the world even today, so many years after his untimely death. The stamp bears the logo created to mark the 30th anniversary in honour of the memory and legacy of a man who became a worldwide legend, not only in sport.

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