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2013Definitive Stamp - Sindi - Set

GBP £0.38
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Technical details
  • 28.03.2013
  • Indrek Ilves
  • -
  • AS Vaba Maa
  • Offset
  • 4 Colours
  • 24.0 x 24.0 mm
  • 0.45
About Definitive Stamp - Sindi

Sindi lies on the left bank of the River Pärnu, 14 kilometres from Central Pärnu. The green city (25 parks and green areas, accounting for one seventh of its territory) has 62 listed heritage sites and two protected environment areas. The heritage sites include buildings of the Sindi broadcloth factory (established 1834) as well as houses from the first period of Estonia’s independence. The territory of the city is 5.01 sq km, and its population was 4,234 as of January 1, 2012. Sindi has the oldest Estonian kindergarten that has operated since 1892, and the local school was already opened in 1837. Sindi has a music school, a youth centre, a library and a community building; the Sindi Museum now occupies the house of the first Estonian Consumers’ Association. Sindi has a number of industrial enterprises and a printing works. The coat of arms of the city symbolizes importance of the textile mill in the history of the city and the river as the source of life and of power. The stamp is the first one in a new series of definitive stamps featuring the coats of arms of Estonian cities.