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2010Definitive Stamp - Green - Set

GBP £1.42
Official Price Guaranteed
(item in basket)
Technical details
  • 01.06.2010
  • Lembit Lõhmus
  • -
  • AS Vaba Maa
  • Offset
  • 4 Colours
  • 32.0 x 26.5
  • 1.66
About Definitive Stamp - Green

The first self-adhesive stamps of Estonian Post, issued in 2004, were definitives. The earlier definitives featuring leopards of the national coat of arms were replaced by a new series of County Coats-of-Arms. The stamps of the series in the domestic letter rate were issued in the alphabetic order over the period 2004-08. Besides, flower design definitives were issued to cover the need for smaller denominations. All the definitives of a higher face value than the domestic letter rate issued in 2005-07 featured the top of the Pikk Hermann Tower with the National Flag. A new series of definitives with the Post Horn design was launched in 2008. The stamp issued today is the second of a series of self-adhesive definitives with a high face value.