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2008Otto Strandman - Set

GBP £0.30
Official Price Guaranteed
(item in basket)
Technical details
  • 09.05.2008
  • Lembit Lõhmus
  • -
  • AS Vaba Maa
  • Offset
  • 4 Colours
  • 27.5 x 33.0 mm
  • 0.35
About Otto Strandman

1917-1918 Chairman of the Estonian Province Assembly (Eesti Maanõukogu). 1918 Minister of Foreign Affairs and 1918-1919 Agriculture Minister of the Provisional Government. 1918 arrested by German occupation authorities. 1919 War Minister while serving as Prime Minister, 1920-1921 Foreign Minister, 1921 Chairman of the 1st Riigikogu (parliament) 1924 Foreign, later Finance Minister. 1927-1929 Estonian Ambassador to Poland, Czechoslovaka and Romania, 1933-1939 Ambassador to France, Belgium and the Holy See. 1917-1919 member of the Diet, 1919-1920 of the Constituent Assembly, 1920-1934/1937 of the 1st to 5th Riigikogu. At different times he was board member of the Estonia Society, the Tallinn Mutual Credit Association and other public organisations. Cross of Liberty III/1. 1928 Tartu University honorary doctor of law. Otto Strandman committed suicide when the NKGB came to arrest him. Buried at Tallinn's Siselinna (Inner City) Cemetery.

* 30 November 1875 Kadrina
† 05 February 1941 Kadrina

Prime Minister
09 May 1919-18 November 1919

State Elder
09 July 1929-12 February 1931