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2024Estonian Forest Trees - The Pendunculate (English) Oak - Set

GBP £1.11
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Technical details
  • 11.04.2024
  • Jaan Saar
  • AS Vaba Maa
  • Offset
  • 29.1 x 40.8 mm
  • €1.30
About Estonian Forest Trees - The Pendunculate (English) Oak

The pendunculate (English) oak (Quercus robur) is a tree with a very long life, a broad crown, strong branches, and a stout trunk. The tallest oak in Estonia, nearly 37 m high, is growing in Audru Manor Park. The thickest oak (circumference: 8.7 m) and the oldest tree in Estonia is the 700-year-old Tamme-Lauri oak in Urvaste. The leaves, which are obovate and have blunt tips, remain on the tree for a long time. The oak is a late bloomer. Its fruit is an oval acorn, which is food for wild boars, squirrels, mice, birds, especially the Eurasian jay, who also spreads oak the most.

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