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2024EUROPA - Underwater Fauna and Flora - Set

GBP £5.12
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Technical details
  • 25.04.2024
  • Stephen Perera
  • Jonathan Pointer
  • Cartor Security Printers
  • Offset Lithography
  • 4 Colours
  • 40 x 30mm
  • £1.96, £3.16
About EUROPA - Underwater Fauna and Flora

The Strait of Gibraltar serves as a crucial passageway connecting the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, and within its waters resides a diverse array of marine life, including the iconic Orca, or killer whale. Orcas inhabiting the Strait of Gibraltar are part of a distinct population known as the Northeastern Atlantic Orca population. These magnificent creatures are apex predators in their marine ecosystem, exhibiting remarkable intelligence and complex social structures.

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