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2024160 Years Of French Red Cross - Stamp Booklet

Stamp Booklet
GBP £12.74
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  • 25.03.2024
About 160 Years Of French Red Cross

On March 25, 2024, La Poste issues a booklet of 10 postage stamps celebrating the 160th anniversary of the French Red Cross. Stamps that symbolize strong moments in its history.

Its creation in 1864, going through numerous emergencies, until the COVID-19 epidemic, 10 postage stamps trace the evolution of the commitment of the French Red Cross in its diversity of actions: management of the catastrophic flood of the Seine in 1910, mobilization of 68,000 nurses during the First World War, deployment of the activity of maintaining family ties with prisoners of war from 1940, actions aimed at early childhood in 1947, home care and EHPAD retirement homes for the elderly in 1956, training of the 1,000,000th first aider in life-saving gestures in 1977, appearance of marauding activity in 1984...and the 1864-2024 stamp which celebrates the 160 years of the French Red Cross.