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2024Jacob L. Moreno 1889 - 1974 - Set

GBP £1.28
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  • 19.04.2024
About Jacob L. Moreno 1889 - 1974

On the 50th anniversary of his death, Austrian Post honours the Austro-American doctor, psychiatrist, and sociologist with a commemorative stamp.

Jacob Levy Moreno was born in 1889 in Bucharest. He completed his medical studies in Vienna. In 1925, he emigrated to the USA, where he managed a psychiatric sanatorium in upstate New York from 1936. He died in 1974 in New York. Moreno was the founder of psychodrama, sociometry, and group psychotherapy.

He developed psychodrama from improvisational theatre as an alternative to Freud's psychoanalysis. Through psychodramatic productions and configurations, the aim is to actively develop new social roles and strategies for action that assist in coping with everyday life. Sociometry is a method of empirical social research that captures and analyses the relationships among members of a group in a sociomatrix.