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2021History of Aviation - Collectibles

GBP £269.23
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  • 31.12.2021
About History of Aviation

In 2018, the Royal Mint issued a series of collector coins dedicated to the History of Navigation. Due to its great reception among collectors, it was decided to continue with a new series in 2020, this time dedicated to the History of Aviation. Correos began marketing the Navigation coins in 2020 in a collection dedicated to "Philately and Navigation," which brings together coins and stamps. Also in 2021, Correos decided to continue with this product and market the Aviation coins along with 3 representative stamps of the History of Aviation, combining Numismatics and Philately in the same product. This collection maintains a structure similar to the previous Navigation one. It is composed of 20 coins whose obverses feature full-color images of those aircraft that for some reason are or have been emblematic throughout history, including some planes in which our country has contributed to their manufacture. The coins are accompanied by 3 stamps dedicated equally to anniversaries dedicated to the History of Aviation. The collection includes 2 booklets dedicated to Numismatics and Aviation, and Philately and Aviation respectively.