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2024Viking Britain - Medal Cover

Medal Cover
GBP £19.99
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Technical details
  • 20.02.2024
  • Studio Up
  • Cartor Security Printers
  • Lithography, Gum
  • 2 x 1st Class, 2 x £1.00, 2 x £2.00, 2 x £2.20
  • x 1st Class, 2 x £1.00, 2 x £2.00, 2 x £2.20
About Viking Britain

Between the 8th and 11th centuries, the Vikings – seaborne adventurers from Scandinavia – profoundly transformed Britain. They left a legacy that remains with us to this day.

Royal Mail explores the history, impact and legacy of Vikings in Britain with a set of eight Special Stamps and collectibles, and mark 40 years since the Jorvik Viking Centre in York opened in April 1984.

The Vikings were seaborne adventurers of Scandinavian origin whose activities in the British Isles from the end of the 8th century onwards changed the languages, economy, society and political geography of these islands forever. Early raids targeted Christian monasteries and coastal communities but, by the mid-9th century, these incursions had evolved into large-scale invasions that tore up the traditional patchwork of small independent kingdoms. The waves of migration, settlement and conquest that followed transformed Britain; by the early 11th century, kings and earls of Danish and Norwegian heritage ruled the whole of England and large parts of Scotland, and dominated the Irish Sea. And while ultimately the sounding horns of the Viking Age fell silent, the echoes still remain.

A set of eight special Viking Britain stamps celebrate the history, impact and legacy of Vikings in Britain and mark 40 years since the Jorvik Viking Centre in York opened. Featuring striking images, these Special Stamps showcase Viking artefacts and locations of significance from around the UK, including an iron, silver and copper sword, a silver penny minted in York, silver and bronze brooches, an antler comb and case from Coppergate, York, as well as the Lindisfarne Priory in Northumberland, Norse settlement remains in Jarlshof, Shetland, and a Hogback gravestone from Govan Old, Glasgow.

1st Class Iron, silver and copper sword, Temple, London
1st Class Olaf Guthfrithsson silver penny, minted in York
£1.00 Silver penannular brooch, Penrith, Cumbria
£1.00 Lindisfarne Priory, Northumberland
£2.00 Norse settlement remains, Jarlshof, Shetland
£2.00 Antler comb and case, Coppergate, York
£2.20 Guilded bronze brooch, Pitney, Somerset
£2.20 Hogback gravestone, Govan Old, Glasgow