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2023150th Anniversary of the Establishment of a Regular Postal Service - Set

GBP £0.43
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  • 16.12.2023
  • Ana Pejović
  • “Blicdruck” – Sarajevo
  • 35.00 x 29.00 mm
  • €0.50
About 150th Anniversary of the Establishment of a Regular Postal Service

In his letters to Prince Nikola from 1863, the Montenegrin consul in Shkodra, Jan Vaclik, was the first to point out the pressing need to establish a postal service in Montenegro. The competent Montenegrin authorities took this extremely seriously. Jovan Sundečić, Prince Nikola’s court adviser and personal secretary, was dispatched to Vienna in 1871 with the task of regulating a postal service between Austria-Hungary and Montenegro through direct negotiations. This was followed by the signing of a postal treaty in Zadar on 25 May 1871, which came into force only in January 1873 after being signed by Count Gyula Andrássy, the Austro-Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs.

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