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2023Paddington - Medal Cover

Medal Cover
GBP £19.99
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Technical details
  • 05.09.2023
  • Studio Up and Royal Mail Group Ltd
  • Cartor Security Printers
  • Lithography, PVA
  • Square 35mm x 35mm
  • 2 x 1st, 2 x £2.00, 2 x £2.20
About Paddington

This stamp issue is celebrating the 65th birthday of Peru’s most famous talking bear - Paddington. The marmalade-loving bear first featured in October 1958 in A Bear Called Paddington, written by English author Thomas Michael Bond CBE. Paddington’s adventures have now been translated into more than 40 languages, with over 35 million copies sold worldwide, and the friendly bear has also featured in several TV series and two blockbuster films, with a third in development. A set of six Special Stamps from Ivor Wood’s strip cartoons of Paddington, originally published in the London Evening News newspaper in the late 1970s.

1st Class Paddington with a jar of marmalade

1st Class Paddington sawing wood

£2.00 Paddington pushing a shopping trolley

£2.00 Paddinton holding an ice cream

£2.20 Paddington carrying presents

£2.20 Paddington and a crab