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2023Lithuanian Maritime History - First Day Cover

First Day Cover
GBP £3.59
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Technical details
  • 17.07.2023
  • A. S. Kazdailis
  • Banknote, SIA, Latvia
  • 37,5 x 30mm
About Lithuanian Maritime History

The new postage stamp features a wind rose and a sable. A wind rose is a star-shaped figure whose rays indicate the direction of the wind. Usually, these are 32 geographical directions, to which sometimes the names of the winds of that area are listed.

According to the author, the idea of ​​the stamp design is connected with the names of ancient Lithuanian winds, which were especially often used by fishermen of the Curonian Lagoon. Audenis, launagis, ziemelis, ozinis, pilvinis - just a few inventive and widely used names of local winds, which were usually divided according to their direction. It is the rose of the winds in this drawing that became the symbolic accent of the names of the Lithuanian winds, matched to the kurenos - until the 20th century. a double-masted, flat-bottomed, sailing vessel used daily in the middle Curonian Lagoon, whose main driving force was the wind.