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2023Sport - The 150th Anniversary of Organised Hiking Trips in Slovakia - First Day Cover

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Technical details
  • 14.07.2023
  • akad. mal. Karol Felix
  • Tiskárna Hradištko, s.r.o.
  • Offset combined with serigraphy
  • 40 x 30 mm
About Sport - The 150th Anniversary of Organised Hiking Trips in Slovakia

The Slovak Tourist Club is considered to be a successor organisation that carries on the legacy of the pioneers of hiking – the Hungarian Carpathian Association (UKS). It was the first hiking organisation established in, what is today, Slovakia and was founded in Kežmarok on 8th August 1873. The establishment of the UKS reflected the trends of the time in the development of hiking in Western Europe. It laid the foundations for the club’s activities as well as a philosophy that combined sporting activities in the mountains with getting to know nature and history, the education of young hikers and alpinists by volunteers, the publication of hiking maps and guides, and the construction of hiking trails and huts.

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