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2023Archeology - Roman Villa Salar, Granada - Set

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Technical details
  • 16.06.2023
  • Offset
  • 74,6 x 28,8 mm
  • €1.65
About Archeology - Roman Villa Salar, Granada

The Roman villa of Salar was discovered, by chance, at the end of 2004. The archaeological interventions carried out, in a discontinuous way, between 2006 and 2013, and in a stable way, from 2016 to the present, have allowed to remove the light an important area of the urban pars of a luxurious Roman villa, which developed between the first quarter of the 1st century and the middle of the 6th. It is, specifically, a good part of the peristyle of the villa, crowned by a wide and sumptuous triclinium, paved with a polychrome mosaic of intricate geometric and plant design, and which also has an original nymphaeum at the head, connected with a "U"-shaped pond that surrounds a good part of said room. Likewise, the corridors that surround the peristyle garden, which organizes the aristocratic house, show rich polychrome pavements, as is the case of the eastern ambulacro, with a beautiful figurative mosaic with scenes from a marine environment, in which the image of a mounted Nereid stands out. on a sea monster, and the western ambulacro, which has another impressive figurative mosaic with several hunting scenes, starring riders on horseback, lions, wild boars and leopards.

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