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2023Castles of Croatia - Sheetlets

GBP £3.21
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GBP £1.61
GBP £3.21
First Day Cover
GBP £2.24
Technical details
  • 18.05.2023
  • Dean Roksandić, designer from Zagreb
  • AKD d.o.o., Zagreb
  • Offset Printing
  • Multicolor
  • 34.08 mm x 35.50 mm
  • 0.47 EUR x 4
About Castles of Croatia

BATTHYANY, LUDBREG – castle of the Counts of Batthyany
Ludbreg's architectural history dates back to Roman times as evidenced by the archaeological site near the castle which was built in the late Baroque era, combining a medieval burgh and a Renaissance castle. The castle was first mentioned in 1320 under the name castrum. In the middle of the 16th century, at the time of the reign of the Thuroczy family, an outdoor bulwark, towers and water ditch were built so the building took on the characteristics of a Wasserburg (burgh). Count Ludovik Batthyany is responsible for the Baroque-Classicist castle, the construction of which began in 1745 and lasted until the beginning of the 19th century. Joseph Hueber, a prominent architect from Graz, was in charge of the construction.

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