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2013Europe Stamps - Stamp Booklet

Stamp Booklet
GBP £48.04
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Technical details
  • 02.05.2013
  • Bergþóra Birgisdóttir/Sverrir Björnsson og Arnaldur Halldórsson (photos)
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  • Cartor Security Print
  • Offset Litho (CMYK) + 1 Pantone silver
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  • 40 x 25,3 mm
  • 50g
About Europe Stamps

The theme of the Europa stamps 2013 is postal vehicles in use in Iceland. The stamps also commemorate the 20 anniversary of PostEurop, the organization of postal operators in Europe. Iceland Post operates one of the country’s largest fleet of vehicles, totaling 110 cars which only handle mail transport. The total driving distance is around 3.5 million km a year, not including the rural post which is responsible for mail transport in rural areas.

Iceland Post has adopted environmental policies and monitors carbon emissions by the vehicle fleet. About one-third of all postal cars in the metropolitan area are methane vehicles, and the aim is to increase such environment- friendly vehicles. The combustion of methane instead of gasoline or diesel fuel emits much less carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Eleven years ago Iceland Post started using the first methane gas vehicle.

In all automobiles GPS trackers record information on driving behavior. With them cars can be monitored in real time on a computer screen which shows the location of the cars, their speed and direction. This technology significantly improves the organization of postal services around the country. The cars on stamps are Ford Transit 350m, model 2012 and Man TGS, model 2010.