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2018100th Anniversary of the Prominent Azerbaijani Composer Gara Garayev - Set

GBP £0.50
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Technical details
  • 19.03.2018
  • Ramin Hasan Alizade
  • Bobruisk Integrated Printing House, Bobruisk city, Belarus
  • Offset printing. Chalk-surfaced, gummed paper.
  • Four-color printing.
  • Stamps size: 40x28 mm
About 100th Anniversary of the Prominent Azerbaijani Composer Gara Garayev

Gara Abulfaz oghlu Garayev (Azerbaijani: Qara Əbülfəz oğlu Qarayev, Russian: Кара́ Абульфа́зович Кара́ев (Kara Abulfazovich Karayev), February 5, 1918 – May 13, 1982), also spelled as Qara Qarayev or Kara Karayev, was a prominent Soviet Azerbaijani composer. Garayev wrote nearly 110 musical pieces, including ballets, operas, symphonic and chamber pieces, solos for piano, cantatas, songs, and marches, and rose to prominence not only in Azerbaijan SSR, but also in the rest of the Soviet Union and worldwide.