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2023Carl Bjorkman 150 years - Set

GBP £3.42
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Technical details
  • 15.02.2023
  • Johanna Finne
  • Cartor Security Printers
  • Offset
  • 4 Colours
  • 13 per 2 cm
  • €4.00
About Carl Bjorkman 150 years

On 15 February, 150 years have passed since the birth of Carl Björkman (1873–1948). One of the leading figures of the Åland movement advocating a reunification with Sweden from 1917 to 1922, he can also be attributed the title “architect of the autonomy”. In 1922, following the decision on autonomy for Åland by the League of Nations, Björkman was elected to the first Åland parliament and appointed Premier. He remained Premier until 1938. As Head of the provincial government, he laid the foundations for the form of the autonomy.

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