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2022Fragment of Shusha Fortress - Miniature Sheet

Miniature Sheet
GBP £0.80
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Miniature Sheet
GBP £0.80
First Day Cover
GBP £2.10
Technical details
  • 20.12.2022
  • Orkhan Garayev
  • Bobruisk Integrated Printing House, Bobruisk, Belarus
  • Offset lithography. Gummed paper,105qr/m2
  • Size of souvenir sheet: 120x 80mm. Size of stamp: 52х37mm
  • 1.00
About Fragment of Shusha Fortress

The Shusha fortress is a fortress surrounding the historical centre of Shusha. The area where the Shusha fortress was built is a mountainous plateau in the form of amphitheater from the west with numerous hills and rifts. The highest area of plateau is 1600 m and the lowest area is 1300 m above sea level. At present, the territory of Shusha city consists of plateau with a hill located lengthwise in its center. The architecture of Shusha fortress represents basic principles of architecture of feudal period in terms of both the choice of location, structural planning and the artistic appearance of the fort.

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