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2022Europa – Stories and Myths - Tapagoz - Set

GBP £0.50
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Technical details
  • 16.06.2022
  • Orkhan Garayev
  • PTT A.Ş. Ankara, Turkey
  • Offset lithography. Gummed paper 105 g/m²
  • Size of sheet: 63x83 mm & 96x172 mm. Size of stamp: 36x52 mm & 38x38 mm
  • 0.50, 0.60, 1.00
About Europa – Stories and Myths - Tapagoz
The simurgh was considered to purify the land and waters and hence bestow fertility. The creature represented the union between the Earth and the sky, serving as mediator and messenger between the two. It’s a one-eyed giant who is known for forcing people to enter a cave in the heat of fury where he eats them. Your chances for success are little if you have not got a sheep’s skin to cover yourself so that the monster does not smell your scent. You also need a sharp sword to stick it into his one and only eye. By the way, the task becomes easier because he is not very clever. Div is a tall creature who has magical power. Their heads are decorated with small horns and are famous for their intemperance. The Giants desire women and very often they drag beautiful young women into their caves.