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2022A Tribute To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - Miniature Sheet

Miniature Sheet
GBP £3.42
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Technical details
  • 24.11.2022
  • Photo: © Eric Mathon / Palais princier de Monaco
  • Offset with metallic ink
  • Stamp Size: 40 x 52mm, M/S Size: 120 x 90mm
  • €4.00
About A Tribute To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The Office des Timbres pays tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II by issuing a block representing the Queen alongside H.S.H. Prince Albert II. A way of expressing our deep gratitude to Queen Elizabeth II who has largely contributed to the recognition of MonacoPhil as a major event for international philately, by exhibiting an exceptional piece from Her collections at each edition.

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