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2022Maritime History - First Day Cover

First Day Cover
GBP £2.69
Official Price Guaranteed
(item in basket)
Technical details
  • 22.07.2022
  • N. Vaišnorienė
  • Baltijas Banknote,SIA, Latvia
  • Offset
  • 37.5 x 30mm
  • €0.65
About Maritime History

Sūduvis" belongs to the "Lindau" minesweeper class ships, whose purpose is the search, identification, and destruction of mines. The ship is unique in that it has been operated according to its purpose throughout its history and has retained authentic working equipment. Having served 22 years in the Lithuanian Navy, "Sūduvis" participated in various international and national exercises and operations, as well as in NATO projects. This ship was handed over to the Naval Forces of the Lithuanian Army in 1999. donated by Germany. In the naval forces of the latter country, the ship M1071 under the name "Koblenz" served even since 1958. In 2021 "Sūduvis" ended its 63-year service and was handed over to the Lithuanian Maritime Museum. Currently, the ship that has turned into a museum is moored at a permanent parking place in Klaipėda, on the Danė River near the Castle Bridge.