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2022Easter - Christological Motives in the Works of P. M. Bohun (1822-1879) - First Day Cover

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First Day Cover
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Stamp Booklet
GBP £5.56
Technical details
  • 04.03.2022
  • Peter Nosáľ
  • Tiskárna Hradištko, s.r.o.
  • Offset
  • 26,5 x 33,9 mm
About Easter - Christological Motives in the Works of P. M. Bohun (1822-1879)

The painter Peter Michal Bohúň was a member of an important group of artists who were intensively focused, even within our environment, on the national question and was involved in the revolution of 1848. Although most of his works that are known today are portraits of the Upper Hungarian intelligentsia, burghers and nobility, during his career he also accepted commissions from religious figures. These often formed a crucial part of his income as he needed to support his large family. His early paintings of religious notables come from the 1850s, but he also produced similar works later.

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