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2021Postage Stamp Day: Mikuláš Klimčák (1921 – 2016) - Set

GBP £0.64
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Technical details
  • 03.12.2021
  • Doc.akad. mal. Martin Činovský ArtD.
  • Tiskárna Hradištko, s.r.o.
  • Offset
  • 44,1 x 26,5 + k 22 x 26,5 mm
  • 0.75 €
About Postage Stamp Day: Mikuláš Klimčák (1921 – 2016)

The painter Mikuláš Klimčák was born on 16th November 1921 in Humenné. He was raised in the Greek Catholic community at a time when Slovak Greek Catholics began to demand that their mother tongue be used in the liturgy. These efforts were related to the rediscovery of the roots of the Greek Catholic Church in Slovakia, research into its history and to the spiritual and historical links with the mission of the Thessalonian brothers St. Constantine and Methodius. All this, along with the possibilities offered at the time, defined Klimčák’s artistic and philosophical approach to all of the areas of his versatile work; he was a painter, a sculpture, an illustrator, a restorer, an iconographer and the creator of monumental works. During his studies in Bratislava and Prague he was influenced by personalities such as J. Mudroch, F. Tichý and J. Novák.

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