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20212021 Scenic Definitives Set of Mint Stamps - Set

GBP £1.85
Official Price Guaranteed
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Technical details
  • 02.06.2021
  • New Zealand Post, Wellington, New Zealand
  • Southern Colour Print, New Zealand
  • Lithography
  • Four process colours
  • 13.33 x 13.60mm
  • $4.10 gummed, $2.80 and $3.60 self adhesive
About 2021 Scenic Definitives Set of Mint Stamps

From sparkling cities to pristine wilderness, Aotearoa New Zealand is a delight to explore.

$2.80 Auckland - Auckland has the largest population in New Zealand, with about 1.7 million people. Its fusion of many cultures offers a huge range of experiences and activities for visitors and locals alike. Popularly known as 'the City of Sails’, Auckland has more yachts and launches per capita than any other city in the world.

$3.60 Waikato River - The Waikato River is New Zealand’s longest at 425 kilometres, starting in Mount Ruapehu and emptying into Lake Taupo. The word ‘Waikato’ in Māori translates to ‘flowing water’ and the river is a source of mana (pride) for local iwi (tribes).

$4.10 Castle Hill, Canterbury - Also known as Kura Tāwhiti, this part of the Canterbury plains is home to a striking collection of limestone tors. Up to 50 metres tall, these ancient natural structures were formed 30 million years ago by sediment in a deep inland sea. Rare and endangered plants can be found here, including the Castle Hill buttercup.