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20212021 Whanau Marama - Family of Light Presentation Pack - Presentation Pack

Presentation Pack
GBP £15.99
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Technical details
  • 02.06.2021
  • Dave Burke, Tauranga, New Zealand
  • Southern Colour Print, New Zealand
  • Lithography
  • Four process colours
  • 45.6mm x 35mm (horizontal)
  • $1.50, $2.80, $3.60 & $4.10
About 2021 Whanau Marama - Family of Light Presentation Pack

Tamanuiterā (the Sun) and Marama (the Moon) together with Ngā Whetū Matariki (the Pleiades Star Cluster) make up the family of heavenly bodies known as Te Whānau Mārama (the Family of Light).

This stamp issue celebrates Matariki, the Māori New Year, in 2021 with stories of the Sun and the Moon.

$1.50 Marama: Where art thou, Rona? - After abusing Marama for hiding behind a cloud, Marama captured and pulled Rona her to her, where she now resides forever.

$2.80 Marama: The eye of the night - The bright face of Marama and her lunar phases (maramataka) help Māori to interact with the stars of Matariki.

$3.60 Tamanuiterā: Fast to rise, fast to set - Using his grandmother’s jawbone, Māui and his brothers slow the journey of Tamanuiterā across the sky to make the day longer.

$4.10 Tamanuiterā: Summer path, winter path - Tamanuiterā has two wives, Hineraumati (summer) and Hinetakurua (winter). The Matariki star cluster is positioned differently during each of the seasons.