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2016Medicinal Plants - Set

GBP £4.36
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  • 31.05.2016
  • Stan Kuiperi
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  • Joh Enschedé Security Printers
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  • 100c, 130c, 220c, 250c, 320c
About Medicinal Plants

Stamp 100c - Aloe-Aloe vera
The aloe plant shares a special history with Aruba where it has been grown since the mid-1800. The local climate and the dry soil are particularly suitable for aloe culture. The Aruban aloe has an aloin content of 22 %, as opposed to 15% at the most, in the rest of the world. In the 19th century, Aruba was the main supplier worldwide of aloin resin that was mainly used for the production of laxatives. The aloin was exported abroad, mainly to New York, but also to Hamburg and to London.
After a drop in production due to the world wars and the start of the oil industry, Casey Eman founded the first aloe factory of Aruba in 1949. In 1951, the production of Aruban aloe amounted to about 30% of the total world production.
Extracts from Aloe vera are widely used in the alternative medicine and cosmetics industries, being marketed as having rejuvenating, healing, soothing, moisturizing and anti-irritant properties. It is used in traditional medicine as a multipurpose skin treatment against burn wounds and against common sunburn. In Aruba it is further used to treat coughs, bladder infections, rheumatism, stretch marks, scarring, intestinal problems, nail biting, energy loss, dandruff, irregular bowel movement, and high cholesterol levels.

Stamp 130c - Moringa-Moringa oleifera
Moringa is a sun- and heat-loving plant and is particularly suitable for dry regions.
The Moringa tree is also called the Tree of Life in many countries. As a medicinal plant it is used for joint flexibility, blood sugar level control, better sleep, enhanced vigor and energy, and physical recovery. Moringa leaves are valuable and are among the most protein-filled leaves of all known plants. They contain higher levels of vitamin A than carrots, more calcium than milk, and more vitamin C than oranges, in addition to high amounts of other vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. Most importantly, Moringa leaves are used as a food, in food preparation, and also as a tea which benefits the drinker with many nutrients.
Furthermore, valuable oil is pressed from the moringa seeds, and the remaining seed can be used to clean up dirty water. It is used as an effective means of removing bacteria from water, purifying and treating water naturally.

Stamp 220c – Seida - Jatropha gossypiifolia
In the Dutch Caribbean this plant is called, Flaira, Flaide, Shon Arey, and Seida in Aruba.
In several countries it is considered a weed, especially where it overruns pastures.
The roots, stems, leaves, seeds and fruits of the plant have been widely used in traditional folk medicine in many parts of West Africa. It is also known to be used for bathing wounds, and for sores, sprains, rash and bewitchment in Latin America and the Caribbean; the poultices are used for sores and pain in Trinidad. The stem sap stops bleeding and itching of cuts and scratches. In Southern Nigeria, the extract from fresh leaf applied with crushed leaf is routinely used by herbalists and local people to stop bleeding from the skin and nose. In Aruba it is widely used against itching caused by the –always nearby- Bringamosa plant. Traditional folk medicine has it that seven-forked roots are to be used to prepare a cure for sore throats. The Jatropha is furthermore used against bellyaches, wounds in general, urinating problems, and further research is going on to determine its medicinal properties in any more cases.

Stamp 250c – Toronhil - Lippia alba
The Aruban Toronhil is widely cultivated as an ornamental for its aromatic foliage and small but beautiful flowers. The essential oil composition is unique to each plant but may include piperitone and many other components while also being antibiotic, antioxidants, and sedative, not inducing sleep but increasing the length of sleep. The leaves are used for flavoring foods. The plant is used medicinally for its somatic, sedative, antidepressant, and analgesic properties. In Aruba Toronhil is mostly used for brewing tea to help cure headaches and stomach indigestion, and against fever, common cold, flu and cough symptons.

Stamp 320c - Walishali-Croton flavens
The name of Walishali is said to derive from the Dutch plant called Wilde Salie.
The yellowed-leaf tea is good for coughs, colds, after-birth and menstrual pains, ovarian infections, stomach aches, fever and cramps, prostate troubles, and a juice from the leaves is used to heal cuts. A leaf compound is used against joint swellings caused by rheumatism. Research has shown leaves to inhibit certain cancers, but other research has shown the roots of the Curaçao Welinsali to promote esophagus cancer. The sap is aromatic and can be made into a perfume and also be used as an insect repellent.