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2018My Land - Andalusia - Collectibles

GBP £17.09
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  • 16.10.2018
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About My Land - Andalusia

STAMPS "My land. Andalusia". Includes 16. Through these stamps a tour through nature, architecture, monuments, traditions, sports, characters ... in short, a philatelic document that reflects the Andalusian culture.


Dances and popular dances. Block sheet 04/27/2009

Cinematographic Festival of Malaga. Stamp 03/17/2017


Huelva Spanish capital of gastronomy 2017. Seal 01/20/2017


Millennium. Kingdom of Granada 1013 - 2013. Seal 02/26/2013

Bicentennial of the Constitution 1812. Seal 03/16/2012


IV Centenary of the Birth of Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. Stamp 02/28/2017

Platero and me. Juan Ramón Jimenez. Block sheet 07/11/2014


500 years University of Seville. Stamp 03/02/2005

World Heritage. House of the towers, Úbeda. Stamp 04/15/2010

Railway station of Almería. Stamp 01/27/2011


Natural Park of Doñana. Stamp 05/20/2010

Natural Park of Cabo de Gata. Níjar Seal 02/10/2010


San Fernando 2010. XIV Ibero-American Athletics Championship. Stamp 04/06/2010


Castillo Alcaudete (Jaén). Stamp 04/07/2005

Courtyard of the Lions. The Alhambra. Pomegranate. Stamp 05/05/2014

World Heritage. Mosque of Cordoba. Block sheet 9/19/2010

These collections are designed to bring philately to those people who are not collectors, see two important concepts together; the singularity and attractiveness of each one of the Communities of Spain with the testimony and the knowledge that our stamps dedicate. They can also be acquired by the philatelic collector.