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2020250th Anniv. Of The Birth Of Ludwig Van Beethoven - Beethoven`s Hands - Set

GBP £1.75
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  • 16.12.2020
  • Manlio Napoli
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  • AKD d.o.o. Zagreb
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  • Steyning West Sussex
  • 4.00 BAM
About 250th Anniv. Of The Birth Of Ludwig Van Beethoven - Beethoven`s Hands

Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn on 16/17 December 1770, and died in Vienna on March 26, 1827. He believed in the sublime humanistic mission of art and that with its help the human spirit could be exalted to the noble and divine. He received his first music lessons as a child from his father, and in 1779 began to study music more seriously. In 1792 he moved to Vienna where he became a pupil of F. J. Haydn. He reached the peak of his career around 1815, when his works were performed in the highest aristocratic circles. Life in Vienna was full of ups and downs. Beethoven had been experiencing gradual hearing loss since 1796, and was completely deaf by 1819.

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