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2020Christmas B – Nativity - Set

GBP £1.03
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Technical details
  • 17.11.2020
  • Laura Klavžar - UL ALUO
  • Laura Klavžar - UL ALUO
  • Agencija za komercijalnu djelatnost d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia
  • Offset
  • 4 Colours
  • -
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About Christmas B – Nativity

The stylized image of the birth of Christ or the Holy Family on the Christmas stamp addresses us with its color symbolism, which is otherwise not entirely in line with the otherwise iconographic meanings of individual colors. The Mother of Christ Mary is presented in red, which is supposed to represent life force, including passion. It means sensuality and warmth, which are the characteristics of every mother. Father Joseph is presented in blue, which is supposed to signify reason, peace, and wisdom. The just-born Christ, on the other hand, is colored yellow, that is, the color of the sun, which is born and dies every year. The color expresses optimism, joy and holiness. All of these meanings can also be appropriate understandings of modern family lives.

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