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202075th Anniversary Of The United Nations - Set

GBP £2.49
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Technical details
  • 28.09.2020
  • MAD activities
  • João Machado
  • Cartor
  • Offset
  • -
  • 30,6 x 40 mm
  • -
About 75th Anniversary Of The United Nations

In 2020, the United Nations (UN) is commemorating its 75th anniversary. To mark this symbolic date, the largest international organisation in the world has launched the ‘UN75’ initiative, which aims to promote deep reflection on international cooperation and the role the UN will play in the future. In this context, the organisation challenges all those active in society: governments, civil society, universities and non-governmental organisations, among others, to contribute to a huge global conversation, which will take place throughout 2020. The aim is to involve people from all regions of the planet, to listen to their hopes and fears, and to learn from their experiences, in order to construct a global vision for 2045, the year that will mark the centenary of the United Nations.

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