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2020Dunderdans Dance School - Sheetlets

GBP £23.93
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Technical details
  • 08.05.2020
  • Photographer: Therese Andersson
  • -
  • LM Group
  • Offset
  • 4 Colours
  • 28.8 x 43.2 mm
  • -
About Dunderdans Dance School


The joy of dancing is in focus on Åland Post’s stamp issued on 8 May. A “dancing youth centre” is what Erica Dunder from Åland calls her dance school DunderDans, allowing children and youth with a burning passion for dancing to get together.

Be it a Christmas street opening, a halftime intermission at a soccer game or a gala evening, the Dunder-Dancers’ performances are always highly appreciated and well-visited. Behind the organization we find 32- year old Erica Dunder from Mariehamn. Having danced since childhood, she started and instructed her first dance group already as a teenager. In 2001, she founded the DunderDans dance school that now has more than 300 students between the ages of 7 and 30+. Erica wishes to offer girls and boys a chance to experience dance in an enjoyable and relaxed environment, and her watchwords for the dance studio is joy and fellowship. The dance styles vary from show jazz, disco and cheer to hip hop, funk and ballet. The stamp image is a lovely style study of dancing, shot at the great spring show at the Alandica cultural centre, when all dance classes and show groups parade their newly acquired dancing skills.