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2019200 Years of the First Unabridged Edition of the Almeida Bible - First Day Cover

First Day Cover
GBP £2.09
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First Day Cover
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GBP £2.33
Technical details
  • 31.10.2019
  • Atelier Design&etc/Elizabete Fonseca
  • -
  • Cartor
  • Offset
  • -
  • 40 x 30,6 mm
  • €0.53, €1.00
About 200 Years of the First Unabridged Edition of the Almeida Bible

In 1819, at the o ce of R. & A. Taylor in London, a print-run of 5000 copies were published of the Bible translated into Portuguese by João Ferreira Annes d'Almeida (1628?-1691), the rst time this text was published in a single volume. It was a simple edition, with basic graphic presentation and without images or illustrations. In large octavo format and hard-cover binding, it comprised almost 1200 pages. The frontispiece, also presented with great simplicity, stated that the volume comprised 'The Holy Bible' in its entirety, which had been rendered into Portuguese by the aforementioned notable translator, here presented as a 'Pastor' and 'Minister and Preacher of the Holy Gospel in Batavia'. Inside were all the biblical texts from Genesis to Revelation, with the exception of the so-called Deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament, which are not considered sacred for Jews or Protestants. To increase the portability of the volume, the text had been printed in two columns, without notes or references.

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