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2019Anacom 30th Anniversary - Set

GBP £0.91
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GBP £1.84
Technical details
  • 17.10.2019
  • -
  • João Machado
  • Cartor
  • -
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  • 80 x 30,6 mm
  • 2 x €0.53
About Anacom 30th Anniversary

This year, 2019, the National Communications Authority (ANACOM) is celebrating its 30th anniversary.
Starting life as the Portuguese Communications Institute (ICP), it came into operation on 6 November 1989, with responsibilities including the management of the radio spectrum, supporting the government in the coordination and planning of communications for public use, representing the sector in international bodies and international cooperation. In 2002, following statutory amendment, it released itself from its previous legal status as a public institute and came to be called ICP - National Communications Authority (ICP-ANACOM), a legal entity of public right with administrative and financial authority and individual capital.

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