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2019The International Labour Organisation - Set

GBP £1.23
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GBP £2.24
Technical details
  • 03.05.2019
  • Atelier Design&etc / Hélder Soares
  • -
  • Cartor
  • Offset
  • -
  • 40 x 30,6 mm
  • €0.53, €0.91
About The International Labour Organisation

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) is a United Nations specialised agency, founded in 1919 under the aegis of the Treaty of Versailles, which brought World War I to an end. It was created on the basis of humanitarian, economic and political arguments in favour of the elaboration and controlled application of international labour standards.From the outset, it was the result of in-depth re ection on the humanand social impact of the industrial revolution. The idea of an International Labour Law emerged at the start of the 19th century. Some renowned industrialists, among them Robert Owen and Daniel Le Grand, supported the idea of progressionist legislation in the social and labour domain. By the end of the century, this aspiration was strengthened by the growing trade union movement that demanded democratic rights and decent living conditions for workers.

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