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2010Christmas - St Nicholas - Set

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Technical details
  • 24.11.2010
  • Nebojsa Djumic/Bozidar Dosenovic
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  • FORUM - Novi Sad
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About Christmas - St Nicholas

To commemorate the birth of Christ, since the apostolic times established a great holiday - Christmas. St. John Chrysostom says that Christmas is the source of all Christian holidays, because if there was not Christ's birth, there would be no baptism, no resurrection, nor the other. Christmas is the beginning wasn't commemorated the same day, but only in the fourth century, during the reign of Arcadia, was introduced to celebrated Christmas away from Epiphany that commemorates the 25th December, according to the Julian calendar, and seventh January, the new, Gregorian. On the same day the Romans had a holiday called "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti" day of worship the sun, which continually returns to the summer and renewed, and the celebration of Christmas in this particular day to suppress the Roman holiday. On Christmas, people, instead of the usual greeting, greet with "Christ is born" and "Truly He is born." No holiday has no more folk customs than Christmas, which are held to this day. The most common practices are: taking the Yule log, draping homes with straw, chuck and cheep, kneading bread, roast loin, and there are many other beliefs, divination, sayings and proverbs. St. Nicholas Day is a holiday dedicated to St. Nicholas. Celebrates 19th December in all churches of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Serbian families, which the saint as their patron, to this day celebrate their patron saint and his closest celebrate St. Nicholas Day.

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