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2015150 Years from the Birth of Jovan Cvijic - Set

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  • 12.10.2015
  • Djumic/Dosenovic
  • -
  • Forum, Novi Sad
  • Offset
  • Multicolour
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About 150 Years from the Birth of Jovan Cvijic

Jovan Cvijic, Serbian scientist, was born in Loznica on 11th October 1865. He was a founder of the Serbian Geographical Society, President of the Serbian Royal Academy (now the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts) Professor and Rector of Belgrade University, an honorary doctorate from the University of Sorbonne and the Charles University in Prague. He was involved in both social and physical geography, geomorphology, ethnography, geology, anthropology and history. He is considered the founding father of Serbian geography.

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