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2016Summer Sports - Miniature Sheet

Miniature Sheet
GBP £2.96
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Miniature Sheet
GBP £2.96
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GBP £3.83
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  • 07.07.2016
  • Dosenovic
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  • FORUM, Novi Sad
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About Summer Sports

There are numerous classifications of sports and it is difficult to make a completely accurate delineation. It is often talked about Olympic sports, ie. those who are in the program of winter or summer Olympic games.
In order for a sport or a sport discipline was included in the program of the Olympic Games should be a global spread, which is taken as a criterion of the number of countries that are competing internationally in a particular sport.
Some of summer sports we presented at this stamp block.
Swimming is a human activity that exists since the humans, but the first images of swimming date back to the Stone Age. Among the earliest works that mention swimming are Gilgamesh, the Iliad, the Odyssey and the Bible. Swimming is the discipline at the first modern Olympics in Athens in 1896. It is assumed that the first competition in the shot put (cannon cannonball) was maintained in the UK. Chroniclers recorded that the soldiers around 1346 competed in shot cannon cannonball heavy 16 pounds (7,257 kg). On the program of the Summer Olympic Games shot put for men is of the first games in 1896 in Athens and in women from the Games in 1948 in London. Judo is a martial art and Olympic sport originated as a collection of exquisite techniques from jujitsu. JuJitsu at that time in Japan was a common name for all martial arts (striking and wrestling). Then the founder of Judo - Jigoro Kano, who has mastered several styles of jujitsu, decided to take the best of every style and discard unnecessary. With its 9 students founded the Kodokan Institute and developed that from which will arise Judo (In Japanese gentle way). Judo has entered the Olympic program at the Games in Tokyo in 1964 and only for men. For women's judo was introduced at the Games in Barcelona in 1992.

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