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2012RAF Squadrons I - Set

GBP £3.28
Official Price Guaranteed
(item in basket)
Other products in issue
GBP £3.28
Miniature Sheet
GBP £3.28
Presentation Pack
GBP £3.93
Presentation Pack
GBP £3.93
Technical details
  • 16.04.2012
  • Stephen Perera
  • John Batchelor / Stephen Perera
  • BDT International
  • Offset Lithography
  • 4 Colours
  • 40 x 36mm Stamps; 112 x 89mm MS
  • 10p, 42p, 76p, £2
About RAF Squadrons I

This issue is the first of a five year series depicting RAF Squadrons. The stamps will depict aircraft and the Miniature Sheets will feature Squadron blazer badges (sewn with gold thread) specially produced for us by the RAF Museum.

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