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2018Children`s Stamp - Let`s Protect Our Forests - Set

GBP £0.35
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Technical details
  • 17.09.2018
  • Lidija Novosel, author from Zagreb / Marina Mohorovičić, grade 2 student at the Viktor Car Emin Elementary School, Lovran
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  • AKD d.o.o., Zagreb
  • Multicolor Offset Printing
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  • 35.50 x 29.82 mm
  • 3.10 HRK
About Children`s Stamp - Let`s Protect Our Forests

Forests represent one of the greatest natural wealth in Croatia. They cover an area of 2,688,000 ha or 47% of the Croatian mainland. Commercial forests cover an area of 2,416,000 ha, protective forests 154,000 ha and special purpose forests 118,000 ha. Our forests are natural, mixed forests with a rich and diverse vegetation where, along with the tree species of commercial significance, there are also various other types of trees, bushes and low vegetation, mushrooms and a large number of accompanying fauna representatives, from the tiniest insects, amphibians and reptiles, a large number of bird species, to small and large mammals.

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