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2018Euromed Postal - Houses in the Mediterranean - Set

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Technical details
  • 09.07.2018
  • Photography by - David P Attard
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  • Sheet Size: 185mm x 118mm Stamp Size: 44mm x 31mm
  • 20c and 90c
About Euromed Postal - Houses in the Mediterranean

The Postal Union for the Mediterranean (PUMed), forms part of the Universal Postal Union, and marks the area of the Mediterranean as a political, economic and social region.

Members within PUMed have come together to develop projects that help each postal operator keep up with the challenges of the market. PUMed was established in March 2011 with its headquarters in Malta.

PUMed will be issuing a joint stamp issue bearing a common theme 'Houses in the Mediterranean'.

This issue will be featuring two photographs of 'Maltese Facades' by David P. Attard.

Maltese villages and towns are diverse and colourful, which is a common feature in Mediterranean countries. One of the main characteristics that distinguish Malta from other countries is the large variety of houses with different facades proudly showcasing our history through the centuries.

The 20c stamp features a medieval facade typically found in the old capital city of Malta, Mdina. The doors, which were the main security feature of the house, were extremely strong and robust as during those times invasions by bandits and pirates were frequent.

The 90c stamp features a townhouse typically found in our towns and villages, and their origin dates back to some 400 years ago. These houses are mainly recognised by their solid wooden front door and louvered wooden front windows. These are individually handcrafted with the addition of two large brass doorknobs - known as habbatiet.

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