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2018Centenary of Peter Cafe Sport - First Day Cover MS

First Day Cover MS
GBP £2.22
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First Day Cover MS
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Technical details
  • 19.06.2018
  • Atelier Design&etc / Hélder Soares
  • -
  • Offset
  • -
  • Stamp Size: 30,6 x 40mm, M/S Size: 125 x 95mm
  • x2 €0,53, €0.86, €0.91
About Centenary of Peter Cafe Sport

Something as comforting as a gin and tonic and a knowing smile in the middle of the Atlantic. It is more than that, of course. But if you asksomeone to say the rst thing that comesinto their head when you mention Peter Café, in Horta, it isn’t hard to see how easily such a pleasant image becomes embedded. This vision becomes clearer as, like a boat ploughingthrough the ocean towards terra rma, we beginto hear the many tales of intimacy and spiritual comfort. Like the story of the origin of the name of one of the most charismatic establishments in Portugal. Peter was the nickname given, in 1943, to José Azevedo (1925-2005), son of the owner of the Café Sport, Henrique de Azevedo, by the commander of the Royal Navy’s H.M.S. Lusitania II, a way for the Briton to evoke the son he missed at home. The ship had anchored there in 1939, after having been hit by a depth bomb. The obliging boy who ran errands captivated the British crew. The name stuck and quickly spread around the island.

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