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2014Flora - First Day Cover

First Day Cover
GBP £0.68
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First Day Cover
GBP £0.68
First Day Cover
GBP £1.24
Technical details
  • 14.03.2014
  • Zoran Popović
  • -
  • Blicdruk - Sarajevo
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  • 35.37x29.22 mm
  • 0.30EUR, 0.95EUR
About Flora

Lovćen bellflower is a local endemic subspecies found only on Lovćen, on calcareous rocks and in crevices on the southern slopes of Štirovnik, 1300-1400m above the Bay of Kotor. It is on the national list of legally protected species. It blooms during the month of July, when the purple bells, like gentle pads, fill the cracks of cliffs and cover the rocky ground. Turfy, with linear leaves arranged in a rosette and expressed hairiness, it has adapted morphologically to the conditions of the habitat, high above the sea, exposed to the heat of the sun and the winds of the Mediterranean. The Montenegro Post is publishing a commemorative postage stamp under the title “Lovćen bellflower” within the edition “Flora” containing two stamps and two First Day envelopes. The author of the conceptual design is Zoran Popović, a graphic designer from Podgorica.

Sulphur Tuft mushroom is from 2 to 6 cm in size. At first convex, then spread and eventually stretched out flat, sometimes even concave with edges of the cap lifted upwards. Occasionally rather convex in the middle, sometimes only slightly. The edge of the cap is often cracked, especially in older specimens. It is dry and its basic colour is whitish, but also covered entirely with brick red scales that can sometimes be even golden-green. It grows in deciduous forests on acidic soils, especially in beech and oak forests. It can grow individually, but it can be found more often in groups of several mushrooms, and sometimes almost bushy. It is a fairly widespread species, and it can be found at both lower and higher altitudes. The Montenegro Post is publishing a commemorative postage stamp under the title “Sulphur Tuft mushroom” within the edition “Flora” containing two stamps and two First Day envelopes. The author of the conceptual design is Zoran Popović, a graphic designer from Podgorica.

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