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2010Flora - Honey Plants - Maxi Cards

Maxi Cards
GBP £0.64
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Technical details
  • 18.03.2010
  • Ana Pajović
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  • 35.00 mm x 29.00 mm
  • €0.25, €0.50, €0.60, €1.00
About Flora - Honey Plants

Melliferous plants belong to the most beautiful and the most useful plants that surround us. In Montenegro, melliferous plants are of a great variety and they spread from the coast, over plains and mountain areas up to the highest mountain peaks. Mountain heath (Satureja subspicata Bartl.ex Vis.) is an evergreen little bush with a flattened stem out of which there are separated upright branches, having the height from 25 to 80 centimetres. It blooms from July to September. It is its quality that contributes to obtaining high-quality honey additionally enriched with its curative features. Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium L.) is a perennial plant that grows on forest clearings and lowland burnings up to the subalpine and alpine belt. It blooms from June to August. It belongs to extremely melliferous plants. It also gives a lot of pollen. It is edible, and its young leaves are used to make salad. Montenegro Post, as a part of the edition named "Flora-melliferous plants", publishes four stamps, two First Day Cover and four maximum cards. Author of the conceptually design is Ana Pajovic, a graphic designer from Podgorica.

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