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2011The Melavöllur Stadium 100th Ann - Set

GBP £2.17
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(item in basket)
Technical details
  • 04.05.2011
  • Borgar Hjörleifur Árnason
  • -
  • Lowe Martin Group
  • Offset Litho
  • 4-colour offset
  • 36 x 36 mm
  • 130.00 ISK
About The Melavöllur Stadium 100th Ann

The Melavöllur Stadium was a sports stadium constructed in 1911 by the The Reykjavík Sports Federation in an area called Melar in the western part of Reykjavík. The first tournament which was held there was sponsored by the Iceland Youth Organization (UMFÍ) on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of President Jón Sigurðsson. Originally the stadium had a 400m race track, a gravel soccer field and facilities for track and field. All Reykjavík sport clubs were able to train and compete at Melavöllur for many years. In 1926 the stadium was damaged in gale force winds and a new, better equipped field was constructed in the same location. The Laugardalur Stadium opened in 1959 which meant that the Melavöllur Stadium had concluded its main mission. Still, it continued to serve as a field for various sport events and was, among other things, used as a skating rink in winter. The Melavöllur Stadium was formally shut down in 1984 when the stadium floodlights were moved to the Laugdardalur which by then had been equipped with artificial grass for its soccer field