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2011Jón Sigurðsson - Set

GBP £7.56
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Special Folder
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Technical details
  • 17.06.2011
  • Borgar Hjörleifur Árnason
  • -
  • Lowe Martin Group
  • Offset Litho
  • 4-colour offset
  • 32 x 52 mm
  • 50g, 1000
About Jón Sigurðsson

The name of President Jón Sigurðsson is inseparably linked to the establishment of an Icelandic nation state. He started a peaceful struggle for political and economic independence in Iceland around the middle of the 19th century and excelled among his contemporaries as a national leader of the highest calibre. On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Jón Sigurðsson on June 17th 2011 the Icelandic Parliament, Althing, recommended that the Prime Minister form a committee to prepare for the anniversary celebration. The committee proposed that Iceland Post commemorate the anniversary with a special stamp issue. Iceland Post accepted this proposal, taking into account that stamps have been issued on both the 100th and 150th anniversaries of Jón Sigurðsson. A stamp designing competion was held in cooperation with the Federation of Icelandic Graphic Designers. The winner was Borgar Hjörleifur Árnason. The selection committee found his proposal „Two Kinds of Time – Jón the younger and older” both traditional and very well conceived. Iceland Post will issue these stamps on June 17th, 2011.

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