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2017Contemporary Lithuanian Art Sculpture - Set

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Technical details
  • 17.10.2017
  • I. Ratkevičiūtė
  • -
  • “Vaba Maa”, Estonia
  • Offset
  • -
  • Stamp: 36 x 52mm
  • 0,94 €
About Contemporary Lithuanian Art Sculpture

"S. Kuzma created the sculptural composition “Lazarus, get up” in 1989, however it was implemented by his son, also a sculptor, Algirdas Kuzma after his death. Algirdas always assisted his father in the implementation of his creative ideas. A. Kuzma used the drawings and layout of this sculpture left by his father S. Kuzma. Thanks to the artist, the composition “Lazarus, get up” was built in the courtyard of Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos last year, expressing the spirit of hope of the diseased, their loved ones and resurrection. It is the symbol of a battle for life and vocation of doctors. The sculpture was built in the summer of 2016 from public funds."

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